Jan 29th. Jones Creek - repeat of Oct 30th cleanup..
Jan 29th Jones Creek - Stormwater Challenges
This ditch empties into Jones Creek. Without regular county maintenance, where will the water go during a storm? Surely not into a stormwater pond
Jan 29th The first of two sites today...
Ft. Pickens @ Campground Registration
Jan 22nd On a day showing Pensacola has a "cold" season....
three volunteers started a cleanup of another homeless camp directly on Pensacola Bay - Hawkshaw Lagoon Park. Located on bay across from Gulf Power building. 162 lbs was picked up including a rechargeable scooter, gas powered edger and a lot of litter. There is more to pick up.
Regular cleanup at Graffiti Bridge saw 9 people pick up 221 lbs and five volunteers collected 93 lbs at Bartram Park
Jan 15th. An unique "volunteer" today,
Twenty eight people collected 228 lbs at Bay Bluffs Park. A further 197 lbs by 13 volunteers at Chimney Park. The year’s total so far is 817 lbs
Jan 8th Naval Live Oaks and Bob Sikes Bridge
Jan 1st. Happy New Year!
We have beautiful beaches at our door steps